
Sno Quest's Ain't She A Dream


On Saturday Nome lost her battle against cancer. We received the diagnosis on Tuesday and had hoped that she would stay with us a little longer. It looked good too till Friday evening, but often things turns out differently than we hoped. So we had to make the hardest decision of our life to let her fall asleep for a final time.

She was my princess from USA and 100% my dog - if my husband give her a order, she looked at me to get the okay! Nome was so special, she was tolerant, easy to handle and had the desire to please everybody. She had such loving, friendly personality and her tail was always wagging. When she was still here she drove me crazy because she always had to have the last word and now I miss her voice so much.

Thank you to Andrea for letting this beautiful girl be part of our lives! I will always remember the time with Nome. She was my shadow, my soulmate, just the princess of my heart for almost 14 years.

24.06.2007 – 24.04.2021

She had a long life, but somehow it's always too early.

Alaskan Malamute
Zuchtzulassung am 11.04.1009, Richter Rudi Hartmann
HD-A1, Augen o.B.
Widerrist 60cm, Brusttiefe 25cm, Rumpflänge 69cm, Brustumfang 75cm
kräftige Hündin von vorzüglicher Gesamterscheinung. Ruhiges und ausgeglichenes Wesen. Kräftiges Gebäude mit kräftigem Knochenbau und sehr guter Bemuskelung. Typ und Ausdruck sehr gut. Sehr gutes Pigment. Femininer Kopf, mittelbraune, gut eingesetzte und geschnittene, mittelbraune Augen. Gebiß Schere, Unregelmäßigkeiten P2 unten links. Gut angesetzte und getragene Ohren. Kräftiger Nacken, ebener und sehr gut bemuskelter Rücken und korrekte Rute + Rutenansatz. Vorder- und Hinterhand sehr gut gewinkelt. Artgerechte und gut geschlossene Pfoten. Freies Gangwerk mit sehr gutem Schub. Artgerechte Behaarung.
-ZZL vollendete 8.Lebensjahr-

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