
 Qailah of Kiyara's Wolf Pak

*one who speaks* arabic

Something I never wanted to write again...

26.02.2009 – 02.05.2024

On May 2, we had to help Kayla cross the Rainbow Bridge. It was the day I had been dreading so much ... the day we would part ways Fortunately, she made that decision for us by showing us in the morning that it was time to let her go. 

Kayla was the third-born female from Kim's first litter. She was very affectionate with humans right from the start and as a puppy a little tomboy, but no wonder with three sisters and five brothers . She grew up to be a calm, even-tempered dog who got on well with everyone and loved to run at the training cart and sled. When she was too old for that, we went for long walks, which she loved. They got shorter and shorter as she got older.

At 15 years and 2 months she had a long and happy life. Nevertheless my heart is full of pain, my eyes full of tears, but I know she is in a better place, without pain ! I will miss her and love her always.

I‘m so grateful for the time I was able to share in her life. I will always be grateful for the adventures we had together, and I wish we could have had a few more.

With every dog that has gone over the Rainbow Bridge, a piece of my heart has gone with them, so I am always with them........

May you Rest in Peace my baby girl

Alaskan Malamute
Zuchtzulassung am 28.10.2012 in Daleiden( Richter Rudi Hartmann)
Widerristhöhe: 60,5cm, Rumpfläng: 63cm, Brusttiefe: 26cm, Brustumfang 80cm
HD-A1, Augen frei, PN clear
Sehr gut aufgebaute kräftige Hündin mit ruhigem Wesen und sehr gutem Typ. Kräftiges Gebäude, mittelschwerer Knochenbau und kräftige Bemuskelung. Femininer Kopf, sehr gutes Pigment, Schere und keine Unregelmäßigkeiten im Gebiss, Augenfarbe: braun. Gut eingesetzte und getragene Ohren, kräftiger Nacken, ebener und gut bemuskelter Rücken. Rute und Rutenansatz korrekt. Vorder- und Hinterhand sehr gut gewinkelt. Artgerechte und gut geschlossene Pfoten, Gangwerk frei mit sehr gutem Schub. Artgerechte Behaarung, Fellfarbe dunkelgrau. Formwertbeurteilung Wesen: Sehr gut.
-ZZL vollendetes 8.Lebensjahr-

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